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When Is The Optimal Right Time For Facelift Surgery

If you’re considering a facelift, ensuring it’s the right time to undergo a surgical procedure before committing is essential. You will want to set yourself up for success in terms of managing the recovery, being prepared for the results and making any necessary lifestyle changes to support your results.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo facelift surgery is personal and should be based on individual factors and preferences. Throughout this blog, we’ll review the factors you should consider before booking your consultation for a facelift. If you’re still not sure if it’s the right time in your life for surgery, you can get personalised advice from Dr Scamp during a consultation in the Gold Coast.

Firstly, what is a facelift?

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A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to improve visible signs of facial and neck ageing. It is one of the most comprehensive and effective procedures for making changes to the face by addressing sagging skin, deep wrinkles, jowls, and other signs of facial ageing.

During a facelift, the surgeon typically makes incisions in the hairline, around the ear, and possibly under the chin. The specific technique used may vary depending on individual factors and desired outcomes. The surgeon lifts and tightens the underlying facial muscles and tissues through these incisions. Excess skin is then trimmed, and the remaining skin is re-draped to achieve the desired results. A facelift procedure is highly personalised, so the detailed steps of the procedure can change from patient to patient. You’ll always discuss the detailed steps with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.

Consider if the procedure is suited to your needs

You may consider a facelift if you have noticed signs of facial ageing, such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, jowls, or loose neck skin that cannot be adequately addressed through non-surgical treatments. If you have mild to moderate symptoms of aging, non-surgical treatments like fillers or laser resurfacing may be more suitable.

So, generally, a facelift can address several facial concerns, including loose or sagging skin, particularly in the cheeks, jawline, and neck, the appearance of deep wrinkles, such as nasolabial folds (lines from the nose to the mouth) and marionette lines (lines around the mouth).

While a facelift primarily focuses on skin tightening, it does not address volume loss. Sometimes, the surgeon recommends combining a facelift with fat grafting or dermal fillers to restore lost volume.

Assess your current physical and mental health

Being in good overall health is essential before undergoing any surgical procedure.

First, ensure you are mentally and emotionally prepared for the procedure. Consider your motivations, desired outcomes, and the potential risks associated with the surgery.

During a facelift consultation, your surgeon will ask several questions about your current physical and mental health to assess your candidacy for the procedure. The surgeon will inquire about any existing medical conditions you have, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or bleeding disorders. They will also ask about previous surgeries or significant medical events.

They will ask about any medications you are currently taking, including prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and supplements. It’s important to mention any known allergies or adverse reactions to drugs or anaesthesia.
Surgeons typically ask about smoking habits and alcohol consumption. Smoking can interfere with healing, while excessive alcohol consumption may affect anaesthesia and increase the risk of complications.

They will inquire about any previous cosmetic procedures or treatments you have undergone, including anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, chemical peels, or laser treatments. This information helps the surgeon plan the facelift procedure accordingly.

Your mental and emotional well-being plays a significant role in the decision-making process. The surgeon may ask about your motivations, expectations, and any concerns or anxiety you may have regarding the surgery. They may ask about your support system, including whether you have someone to assist you during the recovery period, as it is essential to have adequate post-operative care.

Before your consultation, you should prepare yourself to give the required information, writing anything down that you may forget to bring up.

Think about if you can support your recovery

Recovery after a facelift typically takes several weeks. Consider your personal and professional commitments and ensure that you have adequate time to rest and heal after the surgery. You should take the required time off work and have somebody able to help you with any tasks that may be more difficult throughout your recovery.

A facelift recovery involves a period of swelling, bruising, and discomfort. You must follow post-operative instructions, such as keeping your head elevated, avoiding strenuous activities, and taking prescribed medications for pain management. The initial recovery phase typically lasts a few weeks, during which you should expect gradual improvement in swelling and bruising. It may take several months for the final results to emerge fully, and regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon will be necessary to monitor your progress.

Before committing to the procedure, you should familiarise yourself with the recovery period after the surgery so that you can decide if you are happy to go through with the procedure.

Dr Terrence Scamp: Facelift surgeon on the Gold Coast

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With more than 30 years of experience, Dr Terrence Scamp is a highly regarded plastic surgeon in Australia.

He completed his medical degree at the University of Queensland and pursued advanced surgical training.

Dr Scamp upholds the highest ethical standards and surgical practices as a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and a member of renowned organisations like the ASPS and ISAPS. Dr Scamp adopts a patient-centred approach to perform effective facelift procedures, emphasising understanding each patient’s unique goals and concerns. The steps of a facelift need to be highly personalised and tailored to suit each patient, which will require an empathetic and supportive approach that closely considers the patient’s desired results.

To schedule a consultation at our Gold Coast location, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. During your consultation, you can discuss your readiness for the procedure, including your personal suitability, lifestyle factors and whether you are mentally prepared.